Articles in Søfart (Danish maritime publication)
We have previously written about moving on from the initial pitching round at Danish maritime start-up competition and accelerator programme Maritime Stars.

This has certainly caught the eye of the maritime community and its media. Since we last reported, for instance, leading Danish maritime publication Søfart ("Sailing") has published all of three articles on us and our participation at Maritime Stars. You can access them here:
- Fem maritime talenter håndplukket i Søløvens Hule (
- Bæredygtigt skibsophug "vinder" syv måneder i talentfuld rugekasse (
- GPS på stålet: Iværksættertrio vil tracke ophugning af skibe (
The latter is still behind paywall, so you may need to take out a free 1-month trial to access it. We will alos repost it once tit has emerged from behind the paywall.
We interpret the large interest we are experiencing as a sign that the maritime community is picking up significant interest in sustainability and circularity. We think this bodes well for the realisation of our ideas, and we are looking much forward to the boost we are expecting from our participation in the Maritime Stars programme.